Product Update - Game Engine SDKs: Unreal Engine 1.3.0 and Unity 3.8.2
We just rolled out a MAJOR update to our game engine SDKs with Unreal SDK 1.3.0 and Unity SDK 3.8.2. @everyone
✨What’s new in this update? ✨
🎮 Unreal SDK 1.3.0 🎮
→ Blueprints GUI support: get streamlined integration without extensive coding! 🧱🛠️
→ Backward compatibility: works on Unreal 5.2 & 5.3 ⏪⚙️
→ New login options: PlayFab & Guest Login 🚪🛠️
🕹️ Unity SDK 3.8.2 🕹️
→ Unlock Account Linking, Guest Wallets, & PlayFab integration 🛡️🎉
✨Why does it matter? ✨
Many Unreal Engine devs prefer working with Blueprints, so we’ve added full support in Unreal versions 5.4 and above ⤴️ This means you can integrate Sequence in a highly visual, streamlined manner without extensive coding. The Unreal SDKs also come with backwards compatibility for Unreal 5.2 & 5.3 which will allow you to take advantage of these features without upgrading.
This game engine SDK update also features Guest Wallet & PlayFab authentication methods in our embedded wallet, which is perfect for players who want to jump right in and play!
In our Unity SDK 3.8.2 update, players can now link their in-game wallet directly to their web3 wallet. This connection allows developers to check whether players hold specific assets, grant access to special content, or even enable easy asset transfers between in-game and external wallets. This opens up countless possibilities for integrating blockchain assets in meaningful ways that elevate gameplay ☁️
Our blog has the full rundown!

Updated on: 10/10/2024
Thank you!